mercredi 17 septembre 2014

Lou Reed - Palatrussardi, Milano - 28.06.1989

Audience  5

Post n° 559

8 commentaires:

  1. Une nouvelle fois, je suis sur le cul quand j'entends le son d'un bootleg enregistré en mode "audience" d'une telle qualité. Le son est parfait et on sent bien la foule autour de soi. En plus, on a une tracklist pleine de morceaux moins connus, mais qui n'ont rien à envier aux super-tubes du père Loulou !!!
    Great job, mister Lyoko !!!

    1. Merci infiniment Docteur Michards pour tous vos diagnostics.

  2. I just wanted to let you know how much this site means to me. It's the to closest thing to a shrine or whatever you believe in. A Place Were Those of us who were touched in Such An extremely Profound way by Lou's Music can come to and feel Some sort of peace. The loss Has not stopped aching, But these recordings help ease that feeling Lou called "Magic & Loss" All my best.

    1. My dear friend, I am very touched by your comment, I promise an inedit concert and full of émotions for October 27.

  3. This show rocks! I love when shows from 1989 show up here! Thanks a lot

    Do you happen to have any leads on a couple of others? Been looking for both of these for years ....

    1989/04/22 New York City Blues. Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles
    1989/03/23 St James Theater NYC (broadcast on Tokyo radio)


    1. Sorry, I aint records.
      you may have that I do not have the list in red at the end of the blog.

  4. Cher Lyoko... RE-RE-RE...serait-il possible de réup ce boots stp, je (re)découvre la tournée NY en mode addict ? Rien ne presse !
