lundi 16 mai 2011

Lou Reed - The Compilation Tapes 1978 - May to December 1978




6 commentaires:

  1. Hi Lyoko, thanks for the message on my blog. I understand French so use that language if it's easier. As regards Manchester 1974/5/31, I've checked my Lps, cds, minidiscs and files but no luck yet. The next step are my cassettes. Lou's are mixed in with all the others. There's 10 huge cardboard boxes, perhaps 6000 tapes per box, so it will take some time. I must warn you in advance that trading for Lou has never been easy. I shall let you know.

  2. Hello Lyoko,
    as-tu une idée de quel live est tirée la version de Heroin de cette compilation ?
    A+ et joyeuses fêtes

  3. Salut OdelayLleski
    Il s'agui d une version enregistre dans la nuit 31/January 01 - 1978-1979 au Bottom Line
    Voila les note récupéré avec l' enregistrement

    Track 7: You can hear Lou crying "Happy New Year". So this must be recorded in the night to December 31/January 01 - 1978/79
    Track 8: This is not the full song from the LP "Take No Prisoners" it's a different version! In the official track you can hear a guy crying to Lou: "rock and roll horse" and Lou replies "Jesus". This conversation is missing in the track from the compilation tapes
    Tracks 1-8 are the same tracks as on "Retro Rock" but in better sound-quality.
    Salut man a+

  4. Slt Lyoko.
    La note est pour le track 7, "Heroin" est le track 03. Vu que c'est une compil je doute que ce soit le même soir ? Super version quoi qu'il en soit. Très originale.
    Merci pour ta réponse rapide !

  5. Hello Lyoko, si possible reup à l'occasion, les liens ff sont expirés.
